CYBERENT SYSTEMS MALAYSIA Co-host Electromagnetic Webinars with iEMAT, Bring Innovative Ideas of Design and Application of Wireless Charging and Sensor
2021.06.30In June, 2021, CYBERENT SYSTEMS MALAYSIA successfully held two webinars co-organized with “innovative Electromagnetic Academic of Thailand(iEMAT).” One of the webinar topics is “High-Frequency Power Transfer,” and another is “Electromagnetic-based Sensor Technology.”
Ansys Simulation World 2021 is About to Happen on April 21-22
2021.03.29ANSYS Simulation World is a wonderful event that cannot be missed by product design and development teams that focus on engineering simulation at all stages. On April 21-22, 2021, we invite the world's most famous aviation aerospace and defense, transportation, energy and consumer company to share how they use simulation to solve their most difficult engineering challenges.
New CarSim, TruckSim, and BikeSim 2021.0 improves your vehicle simulation engineering
2021.02.26ANN ARBOR, Mich., January 7, 2021 - Mechanical Simulation Corporation is proud to announce the release of the 2021.0 versions of the vehicle simulation tools CarSim®, TruckSim®, BikeSim®, and SuspensionSim®.
The VehicleSim® software products, CarSim, TruckSim, and BikeSim, have long featured high-fidelity math models for vehicle dynamics that can simulate physical test results. The math models run fast enough to support real-time simulation with hardware in the loop (HiL) and can support massive optimization projects involving hundreds of thousands of simulations.
Ansys 2021R1 Release Provides Nearly Unlimited Possibilities for Engineering
2021.02.09Ansys recently released 2021 R1 version, which provides a simplified workflow and unique product enhancements, providing R&D engineers with opportunities to complete design and product development goals that were previously unachievable.
Mechanical Simulation Releases CarSim, TruckSim, BikeSim, and SuspensionSim 2020.0
2020.04.15The VehicleSim® products CarSim, TruckSim, and BikeSim have long featured high-fidelity math models for vehicle dynamics that can reproduce physical test results. The math models run fast enough to support real-time simulation with hardware in the loop (HiL) and can support massive optimization projects involving hundreds of thousands of simulations.