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Exclusive webinar: Advanced Regime Transition Modelling for Oil & Gas Applications


We are teaming up with IChemE (Advancing Chemical Engineering Worldwide) and East One-Zero-One Sdn Bhd for an exclusive and insightful webinar for the Oil & Gas sector.

CarSim, TruckSim, BikeSim, and SuspensionSim 2022.0 Released


Mechanical Simulation Corporation has released the 2022.0 version of the vehicle simulation tools CarSim®, TruckSim®, BikeSim® and SuspensionSim®. 

Powerful Ansys Solutions for EV Development Shown in Cybernet Systems Malaysia's Recent Webinar


Cybernet Systems Malaysia conducted a webinar on Oct 21, 2021, focusing on tackling EV development problems such as common battery thermal, structural performance, electromagnetic field, functional safety, and optical design through the best solutions from Ansys, the world's leading CAE software.

CarSim, TruckSim, and BikeSim Version 2021.1 Released


Mechanical Simulation Corporation is proud to announce the release of the 2021.1 versions of the vehicle simulation tools CarSim®, TruckSim®, and BikeSim®.


CYBERENT SYSTEMS MALAYSIA Co-host Electromagnetic Webinars with iEMAT, Bring Innovative Ideas of Design and Application of Wireless Charging and Sensor


In June, 2021, CYBERENT SYSTEMS MALAYSIA successfully held two webinars co-organized with “innovative Electromagnetic Academic of Thailand(iEMAT).” One of the webinar topics is “High-Frequency Power Transfer,” and another is “Electromagnetic-based Sensor Technology.”