Multiscale.Sim Engineering Services
Whether you are looking for a simple analysis of a test piece, designing whole new composite materials, or supplementing your materials database, we can help you do it. Our vastly experienced team is now ready to support solving your complicated materials problems without expensive experimental campaigns.
To find out more details about our services and sample test cases, download the 'Multiscale.Sim Services' brochure by scrolling down this page below.
There’s a growing necessity to carry out more material tests in order to supplement the gaps in existing materials databases.
We use virtual material testing
We use our own Multiscale.Sim software which is tested and proven, trusted by more than 100 companies in Japan and other countries for over a decade. Our services team includes engineers and developers who are well versed in multiscale analysis and simulation. You can allocate your internal resources for other tasks while we work on solving your material problems.
There’s a growing necessity to carry out more material tests in order to supplement the gaps in existing materials databases.
We can create difficult test conditions in a virtual environment and change them freely until desired test results are achieved.
We offer a wide variety of test cases to solve your material testing challenges. These include unique scenarios that are difficult to realize with an actual test, sensitivity analysis, response surface to observe the change of material properties with change of controllable factors to the creation of data for your materials database.

To find out more details about our services and sample test cases, download the 'Multiscale.Sim Services' brochure by scrolling down this page below.