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Analysis Example - Designing Zoom Lens


Designing_Zoom_lensA case study on multi-configuration for objective lens design and optimization using Ansys Zemax OpticStudio.





CYBERNET BSDF Optical Scattering Measurement Service


bsdf_thumbCYBERNET BSDF optical scattering measurement service provides a realistic, detailed view of your final product.






Analysis Example - Thermal-stress and Optical analysis for Smartphone camera lenses


zemax_caseAn analysis example of Ansys Mechanical and Ansys Zemax OpticStudio STAR Module coupled simulation. The thermal effect caused by the heat generated from a smartphone’s camera lens sensor is simulated using Ansys Mechanical and the deformed geometry is imported into Ansys Zemax OpticStudio STAR Module to simulate its effect on optical performance.


Vuforia Chalk Product Brief


vuforia_chalk_thumbA quick overview of Vuforia Chalk, how it works, and the technical requirements.







Vuforia Studio Product Brief


vuforia_studio_thumbA quick overview of Vuforia Studio, use cases, and key features.